SpongeBob SquarePants

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

10 Episode Spongebob Terfavorit (My Version)

I love love love Spongebob Squarepants! Probably my most favorite cartoon ever. Hampir tiap hari nonton Spongebob yang diulang-ulang di TV, sampe hapal dialognya. Ini gara-gara adek sih, kalo pagi-pagi remote tv dipegang dia, pasti chanel nya spongebob deh. But I like it too, so yeah :D

Iseng bikin daftar episode spongebob yang paling gue suka dari season 1 sampe season 6. Sebenernya masih banyak yang bagus-bagus, tapi episode-episode berikut yang gue inget bisa bikin ketawa. Baiklah, ini dia episode-episodenyaaa (gak disusun dalam urutan berdasarkan apapun, random aja)

1. Krusty Towers

Ini episode pas Mr.Krab ngerubah Krusty Krab jadi sebuah hotel. Seru banget pas Squidward ngerjain Mr.Krab. Simply makes me laugh :D

Patrick: Squidward, can you carry my bags up to my room?
Squidward: How come you have bags?! You just found out this was a hotel!
Patrick: This is a hotel?

2. Meet The Strangler

Spongebob diincar sama seorang buronan, tapi dia malah nyewa buronan itu sebagai bodyguard nya. Dia gak ngenalin buronan itu soalnya buronannya nyamar pake kumis... -,-

Strangler: Baiklah, cukup bicaranya. Cepat buka pintunya supaya aku bisa mencekikmu... maksudku, mengunjungimu... maksudku, menghiburmu.... (muka mewek)
Spongebob: Melindungiku kan maksudnya?

(Kurang lebih begitu deh dialognya. Haha)

3. The Gift of Gum

Spongebob ngasih robot ke Patrick sebagai hadiah hari persahabatan. Tapi Patrick malah ngasih sampah permen karetnya yang bernama Gummy. Seru pas Gummy udah lengket-lengket disekitar rumah Spongebob :D

SpongeBob: I was digging a hole so I could get a better view of Gummy because he is so attractive and... Allow me to demonstrate. *gets in hole* See, Patrick, the view is beautiful down here.
Patrick: Yeah, he does look rather dashing from this angle. Be that as it may, Gummy must be displayed properly and proudly. And I know just the place. *puts Gummy above SpongeBob's door* Isn't he breathtaking? All right, SpongeBob, we got to go. I'm gonna learn how to use a fork. Right, Robo?

4. Sandy, Spongebob, and The Worm

Ada cacing besar alaska yang menyerang Bikini Bottom! Sandy dengan berani mencoba menghajarnya tapi dicegah sama Spongebob.

Sandy: Oh. Ternyata....benda ini....hanya...lidahnya saja.... *lemes* Selamatkan jiwa kaliaaaaan!!! *lari*

5. Whale of A Birthday

Pearl, anaknya Tuan Krab, ulang tahun. Jadi Spongebob ditugaskan untuk membeli hadiah buat Pearl. Di akhir episode ini ada boyband ikan nyanyi buat Pearl. Lagunya bagus.. :D

Pearl: I'm just excited because tomorrow's a very special day. Mr. Krabs: It is? *Pearl glares at him; he nervously acts* Oh, I mean it is! Very special! Very very special indeed.
Pearl: You have no idea what day tomorrow is, do you? Mr. Krabs: Not at all. Pearl: *angry* It's my BIRTHDAY! Mr. Krabs: I know that! How could you think I wouldn't know that? What're you gonna be? Twelve? 

Lirik Lagu Boyband nya:

"It's All About You" (by Boys Who Cry)

It's all about you, girl 
On your 16th birthday 
Pay attention to you, girl 
Everyone has to do just what you say 
You get your very own spotlight tonight 
'Cause it's all about you 
Yeah it's all about Pearl 

6. As Seen On TV

Krusty Krab membuat iklan tv, dan Spongebob muncul di dalamnya tapi cuma dikiiiit banget. Mukanya pun gak keliatan. Haha. Tapi sehabis iklan itu tayang, Spongebob lagaknya udah kayak artis aja di Krusty Krab.

Spongebob: *Nyanyi di depan customer Krusty Krab* Saat terbaik mengenakan sweater...adalah setiap waktuuu.... Sweater dengan kerah tertinggi....itu jenisnyaa. Karena saat kau memakai....
(Gue hapal lagunya :p)

7. Graveyard Shift

Krusty Krab sekarang buka 24 jam. Itu berarti Spongebob dan Squidward harus kerja sampai malam. Squidward nakut-nakutin Spongebob dengan cerita hantu, tapi nanti dia malah takut sendiri.

Squidward: Open twenty four hours a day, what a stupid idea! Who wants a Krabby Patty at three in the morning?{scene cuts to Patrick's house, alarm goes off}
Patrick: Oh boy! Three A.M.! (eats a Krabby Patty)

8. Shanghaied

Spongebob, Patrick, dan Squidward "disandera" oleh Flying Dutchman di kapalnya. Terus setelah melalui berbagai peristiwa konyol, mereka dikasih 3 permintaan sama si Flying Dutchman.

Patrick: It would seem we have reached an impasse.
Dutchman: Pink one is right. Tell you what, you gave me back the sock, and I'll give you six wishes.
Patrick: Make it five.
Dutchman: Four.
Patrick: Three! Take it or leave it!
Dutchman: Okay, three. You get three wishes.

9. Krab Borg

Spongebob mengira Tuan Krab adalah robot. Squidward dengan konyolnya percaya dan mereka menginterogasi Tuan Krab sampe Tuan Krab nangis.

Squidward: And the only way to deal with these robot types is to find out what they know.
SpongeBob: Right. (slaps Mr. Krabs)
Squidward: SpongeBob, you've gotta ask him a question first!
SpongeBob: Oh yeah. What color is my underwear? (slaps Mr.Krabs)
Squidward: SpongeBob, let me handle this. (To Mr. Krabs) Where's Mr. Krabs? (turns on a lamp)

10. Krabby Land

Tuan Krab membuat taman bermain anak-anak di Krusty Krab, tapi taman bermainnya jelek banget sehingga mengecewakan Spongebob dan anak-anak yang sudah berharap.

Mr. Krabs: *as Krabby the Clown* Hey kids. Uh, thank you all for coming. Thank you. Eat plenty of Krabby Patties! *walks into his office laughing*

SpongeBob: *crying* You promised these children Krabby the Clown, but all I saw out there was...Cheapy the Cheapskate!

Mr. Krabs: Hey, I ain't cheap! *takes off blue clown nose, rubs it on clothes until its red* Now take this tomato back to the kitchen before it's spoiled.

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